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Review – Beyond Ordinary


978-1-4143-7227-3It’s not every day I get to write a review for someone I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. Tonight I get to do just that. Whatever you do, please don’t take away that I am giving this book a great review because I have met Justin and Trisha Davis. The reality is we’ve only met once in person and shared a few brief conversations. I am giving this book a great review because it’s a great book. Period. The reality is that as much as I respect Justin and Trisha, I have an even greater respect for them after reading Beyond Ordinary.

I met Justin Davis about a year and a half ago while making a weekend visit/interview at Cross Point Church in Nashville. It’s funny how God works because the interview didn’t materialize into a position with Cross Point, but I’ve been blessed far beyond that from our weekend visit there. Although I’m just a few years older than Justin, we had much in common. We are both midwest guys. With all of the time I spent in the same proximity in Indianapolis, I can’t believe our paths didn’t cross sooner. We’re diehard hoops fans (and Tar Heel fans I might add) and just so happen to both have shaved heads. The mutual respect was immediate.

What you will find in “Beyond Ordinary” is a He said, She said memoir of the meeting, courting, dating, marriage and struggles of a couple just like any of us. As I read through the pages of their college years, I could honestly go back to my dating college years too. You will be pulled into their story and feel like one of their friends along for the ride. There are moments that will make you laugh and fall in love with this couple. I so enjoyed following their journey, even knowing what I know about what was to come.

Having just entered “ministry” a few months ago myself, I can immediately understand the stress and changes which they walk through in Beyond Ordinary. This was just one more common ground for me as I made my way through each page. Each chapter concludes with a relevant, scripturally based application woven into each phase of their relationship. This isn’t a step-by-step fix your marriage book. It’s the story of two people that have opened themselves up for all that will read their book. It is a guide, even if you think your marriage is “ordinary”. It is words and scripture that will help you start to identify moving beyond ordinary. I cannot say enough how well it is written and put together.

As I said in the opening, my respect for this couple now goes far beyond what it was originally (and that was already pretty high). It takes a lot for a couple to put all that Justin and Trisha have placed on these pages out in front of the entire world. I know God will honor their obedience and their willingness to take what was broken and make it beautiful. Beyond Ordinary launched on Tuesday, January 1st. You can order the book now. Do yourself and your marriage a favor and pick up 2 copies today. Read one with your spouse and share one with a couple you know. Build community around what you find and begin the process of moving from Ordinary to Beyond Ordinary.

To Justin and Trisha – Thank you. Thank you for being so transparent. Thank you for working through the hard to get Beyond Ordinary. May God pour out his blessing on your ministry, your family and most importantly, your marriage.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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